Help us advocate for Safer Roads and Vehicles
Our Legislative Asks
Federal: Pass Sarah Langenkamp Active Transportation Safety Act
Named after Sarah Langenkamp, who was killed while riding her bike near Washington DC, this bill gives communities access to funding for critical biking, running, and walking infrastructure. We're looking for co-sponsors - and seeking to fund when congress reauthorizes the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
Mass: Expand Act to Reduce Traffic Fatalities truck regulation to all trucks by 2030
We're asking to enforce the act by requiring “a motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer or semi-trailer unit classified as a class 3 or above” to be equipped with a lateral protective device, convex and crossover mirrors, and backup cameras by Jan. 1, 2025 - and extend that law to all trucks operating in the state by 2030
Andover: Implement changes at Elm Square to protect vulnerable people
As the town considers its next round of changes to the intersection where Sidney was killed, we're pushing to prioritize people, including elimination of slip lanes, spacing of the stop lines, and inclusion of biking infrastructure